A modified zinc oxide, the area of PerZINCO S can reach above 50m2 each gram, which is 2.5 folds as much as ordinary feed grade zinc oxide. The astringent effect of zinc oxide on intestinal mucosal damage is proportional to its area; therefore, PerZINCO S has a greater astringent effect on intestinal damaged mucosa, so it has a stronger ability to resist Escherichia coli.
Broad-spectrum antibacterial and high bioavailability can significantly reduce the rate of diarrhea and death of piglets. Promote growth and increase feed intake, daily weight gain, reduce feed-to-meat ratio, which increases feed utilization rate and reduces formula cost. As an alternative to high zinc, it can improve palatability and reduce change-fodder stress and to weaken the growth inhibition of piglets in the later stage.
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